Welcome to the UCVote System. If you are attempting to vote then please enter the VAN (Voter Authorization Number) code that you received in the box below. You will usually receive your van through email, and typically it is appended to a web address, but you may also have received this code through campus mail, postal mail or possibly even over a phone and in this case you can login manually.
The UCVote System is a web-based voting system that employs binary and preferential (single transferable) voting. It is designed with [standardized HTML 4.01] so that it functions properly regardless of which web browser or operating system are used. If you would like to use this voting system please contact Joseph Dowden (x8305) in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with your needs.
If you are an administrator of the UCVote system and would like to alter settings then you can authenticate to the [administration] area. |